Gears Up!!

Visit To Broga Hill

Nowadays, Broga Hill becomes one of the popular recreational outdoor trails for the Klang Valley community. The hill was target for climbers from age 4 to 60 years old and there are about 100 climbers per day on every weekend. LMAG brought 18 energetic people to have an experience here on 27 June 2009.

A 2.3KM ascending route, starting from oil palm estate follow by tertiary forest and lastly grass route, ‘lalang’ area with a few boulders.

The best part here is when we trekked along hill range with lalang sitting side by side along the trail. There are 5 peaks within the hill with beautiful nature panoramas. When I was here, its remind me about my past month climb with my fellow friends to Mt. Sumbing at Central Java. The route scene between both places look mimic but with differences in distance, altitude and temperature only.

Although the trail was short but it got most of us sweating non-stop. One has to be here early to avoid the heat from the barren land. We started a bit late where the weather are mild but by that time we notice some trekkers are coming down from the hill already. However, with less trekker, it makes us easy for photo shooting session.

We descended using a different route to escape the hot sun where more vegetation was seen along the way. This route goes through rubber estate as well until our car park area. Through the jungle on the way down, we found ripe durians along the trails. It is a wild durian fresh from the durian trees. Some local people call it Durian Orang Asli even though there is no Orang Asli settlement here. The durian was very small, less smell and less taste.

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With this guided trip, we hope every participant can regularly organized a visit to this place with friends to trek and enjoy the panoramic view of Semenyih. Let us set full passion in outdoor and get full of awesome experience.

~ Apip Embi (Guide) ~


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