Gears Up!!

Lafuma / Millet G7 Summit Series 2010/11

Lafuma/Millet seek to challenge any interested individuals to conquer the 7 highest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia. We believe everyone with sheer determination and patience would be able to complete the challenge successfully. It will be a mark of success in your local climbing history by putting your feet in these 7 highest points.
If you think you are mentally and physically ready to face this challenge, do register for participation.
The Seven (7) Summit :
The grand seven or more fondly referred to as G7 is a group of 7 peaks that are 7,000 feet above sea level mark located in the Peninsular Malaysia. The G7 consists of following mountains:-
1) Gunung Tahan (7128 ft)
2) Gunung Korbu (7162 ft)
3) Guunung Yong Belar (7156 ft)
4) Gunung Gayong (7129 ft)
5) Gunung Chamah (7112 ft)
6) Gunung Yong Yap (7110 ft)
7) Gunung Ulu Sepat (7089 ft)

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How to participate :
Registration open from 1/5/10 to 31/5/11.
Challenge period : 1/5/10 to 31/5/11 (13 months)
Qualifying age : All group member must exceed the age of 18.
Nationality : Open to all nationality
Entry fee : RM10 per person
As easy as ABC, just fill up the application form together with payment before you register for our first organized hike to any of those 7 mountains under our approved trip operators or affiliates.
Certificates :
Color certificates will be given to those who successfully completed the 7 summits.
Black & white certificates will also be given to those who have successfully completed at least 4 summits.
Terms and conditions :
1. All expedition trips to the 7 summits need go through our registered and approved operators and affiliates.
2. Registration for the challenge has to be made before the first attempt to any of the 7 summits expedition.
3. The challenge must be completed by 31/5/11.
4. There are no limits to the number of attempt made on each mountain.
5. Participants must submit the following documents before 12.00 midnight of 31/5/11 as proof of their half or full completion of the challenge:-
- Photos of you with Lafuma banner at the peak of the mountain with date and time indicated from the digital camera as proof of reaching the summit.
- Completed the completion form from the organizer.
6. All participants must declare that he/she is fit for the challenge and participate at own risk and will not hold the organizer, sponsor, operators and all agents responsible for any injuries which may be incurred before, during or after the challenge.
7. All participants must agree that the decision of the Organizing Committee is final and that no appeal will be entertained.
8. All participating individual agree to give consent for the use of any images, log/blog, name and voice in any broadcast and advertising promotions or for other purposes pertaining to the challenge.
For more info on the individual trips, please do email to for further enquiries.
Year 2010 G7 trip schedule as below.
** Click the image to enlarge the trip schedule. The trip schedule for year 2011 will be release in due time.
Print your participation & completion form here.


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