Gears Up!!

Earth Hour 290308, 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Date figure - 29 March 2008
Time figure - 1930hrs - 2130hrs

Few Earth Hour supporters gathered at Lafuma to spectaculate this global movement. The phrase went like this "Earth Hour 8 to 9. Turn off your lights." The whole shop was peach dark, with only a glow toob on with SOS signal.
Customers walked in with torches given and started their exploration journey in the shop. Apparently, they felt that they see better in the dark. Every single thread, every single zipper, never been missed with the explaination of our staffs to them. Especially our ECO products which we were promoting, they were stars of the night's sales.

Some came in, to grow their pledges on our ECO tree. Here are some of the pledges :

"We are all responsible to spread the global warming awareness message over the world! Let us make a difference to our earth! Let's support global cooling!" -- CK

"I pledge to use maximum 2 plastic bags per week, litter less, and use more paper-made stuff instead of x-biodegradable stuff." -- Kai Li

"More trees, keep the current forest & green lungs & ask the government & people in power to be more environ-conscious." -- Shih Chung

"I pledge to save more lifes in Kuantan!" -- Zhi Yong

"I pledge to NEVER litter and at the same time stop my friends from doing so as well." -- Jean Yee
While garnering awareness and serving customers, we had a bunch of Raleigh-ians putting up some funny lil' wayang kulit (shadow play) in front of the shop. It caught some attention of the passer-by, and the players prayed hard that the people got their message of saving our mother nature.

2 hours passed very quickly. And yes, Lafuma made a very good example to all and we believe that every single effort makes a difference in changing the world's climate.


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