Gears Up!!

Lafuma Leads the Way, by Barbara Foong

Admin: Special thanks to Barbara, Joleen and KC who attended the hike and to Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur, the main organizer.

Xin Tong & Ng Hock Soon of Lafuma win BIG on the recent Chilling Waterfall Hikes. I am 53 with lots of energy that was built upon hours of running and years of walking. I practise trekking and Nordic walking at FRIM. Hungry to wander further, I sought Lafuma's expertise who are experienced in leading such hikes. Though, it was my first water-crosssing (six in all), the experienced guides like Lyman, Nisha & of course Xin Tong (all are from the Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur) - about 40 young men & ladies age from 17 to below 30; led me through an exciting 2-hour hike (to & from) to enjoy the Chilling Waterfalls at Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor. I rate this experience as very repeatable. Much thanks to Lafuma's Ng Hock Soon & company. I also get to blog now!

Barbara Foong


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